Ok, I know this is a little belated, the boy's almost a week old already, but hey...I am the mother of 3 boys now! Time on the computer is very limited! Cisco took Josiah and Daniel to the library, Elias is sleeping for the moment and so I figured I should update my blog now or it may not happen until his first birthday. :) Ahhh, life....
So, for those of you who care to know the whole gory details of the birth, here you go...
We got to the hospital at 8am (Tuesday, June 2nd) and after being stabbed repeatedly with IV needles (it only took 4 different tries, with 3 different nurses!!!) I was hooked up to pitocin by 10am. Cisco and I were laughing later because both of us seriously almost passed out when they were trying to find a vein. I can get through birthing a nearly 9lb. baby with no epidural and he can watch it no problem, but when it comes to needles neither one of us can handle it!
Anway, fun start to the day! The contractions didn't really start getting painful until 2pm and I got a shot of Nubane (a wonderful drug they put in your IV that makes you feel nice and warm and fuzzy and takes the edge off your pain. And puts you to sleep.) around 3. I fell asleep of course, and at one point I apparently sat up out of a sound sleep, looked at Cisco and asked, "So what do you want to do after this?" Then I laid back down and went back to sleep. He got a good kick outta that one. So, I woke up around 4:30 as the contractions were getting really painful and about 2 minutes apart at that point. My water still hadn't broken and at 5 I asked the nurse if they could break it. A doctor from my medical group was there delivering another baby and she said as soon as he finished she'd ask him to come check me and break my water. He walked in at around 5:20 ish, by which time I was losing my mind, and broke my water. I was dilated to like 9 and a half centimeters, but the second they broke my water I shot to a 10. He went to go call the office to tell them he wasn't coming back and the nurse asked him if I could start pushing with the next contraction. He gave the ok, so I started pushing and he immediately crowned. The nurse ran back out the door and yelled for the doctor to get in there cause I was going to deliver and 2 more pushes and his head was out. One more push and he was completely out, a grand total of 4 pushes!! Woo hoo!
So there's the story. As for little Elias, he stole all our hearts the moment we saw his chubby, 8lb. 14 oz., 20 in. body. At first we thought he looked exactly like Daniel, but now we're seeing a lot of similarity between him and Josiah too. He has an extremely sweet disposition, really only cries when he's hungry and is very content and mellow. At this point anyway! :) Josiah is so sweet with him, loves to kiss his head and very helpful. When we first brought him home, he was crying at one point and Josiah asked, "Should I get him one of my toys? I'll bet he'd like my toys." It was so cute! And the other morning he told me, "Mom, I just love the little guy". Daniel doesn't get it quite as much, but is very sweet with him too. He mostly just keeps his distance from him, but when he's in his seat, Daniel will nonchalantly sneak over and talk to him.
So, that's about it! Settling into life with 3 kids and looking forward to all the fun times ahead. Oh, and the arrhythmia is definitely gone, so praise the Lord!