December 3, 2008

Oh, the things kids say!

I just had to share this, cause I was laughing hysterically and actually crying I was laughing so hard! So I turned some Christmas music on today cause I'm decorating and getting in the "Christmas Spirit". :) And the song "Agnus Dei" came on, you know the one that says "Worthy is the Man" like a hundred times. Well, at the end of the song, Josiah comes in the kitchen, where I was making dinner, and goes, "Mom, why does she keep saying 'Wall-E is the Man?'" I lost it, and for those of you who don't know, Wall-e is the new Pixar movie that just came out about a little robot. It's Josiah's favorite right now. Anyway, hope it was as funny for you as it was for me! :)

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