December 22, 2008

Weekend in the Snow

So, unfortunately we couldn't find our camera before we left and I don't have any pictures to post. :( I was very sad. But I figured I'd tell you all about our "weekend in the snow" experience anyway. We went up to Twin Peaks, to the Conference Center, and they had like over 3 feet of snow. It was BEAUTIFUL, and this was the boys' first REAL time in the snow (Josiah was only 2 when we were in New Jersey and wasn't too into it). This time however, was a whole new experience for him. He LOVED it and was a crazy animal, rolling around in the snow! Daniel wasn't too sure, he was pretty much glued to Cisco's hip the entire time. He did go sledding a couple times and got a face full of snow, so after that he was done! Josiah kept getting stuck in snow drifts, he'd fall all the up to his chest it was so deep! Just to give you an idea of how deep, the volleyball court had snow all the way up to the net! Yes, crazy. Anyway, we had a great time, now I'm just hoping to be able to see some actual flakes fall this year... it's been so long...

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