January 22, 2009

Doctor Appt. 1/22

So I had another appointment today, just a routine check-up, and the doctor heard an arrhythmia in the baby's heartbeat. She's referring me to a perintologist (high-risk doctor) and they will do another ultrasound on the heart and check it out a little further to see if it's something of concern. I guess arrhthmia's are fairly common and most of them work themselves out before birth. So for now we're just waiting for the peri to call us and give us an appointment. After having two pregnancies where virtually NOTHING happened, I'll admit I'm a little nervous. I could even hear it on the dopplar, it was pretty noticeable that it wasn't a regular heartbeat. Anyway, please pray. Chances are it's nothing, but it's a little concerning nonetheless.

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