June 21, 2011

And Another Month Goes By...

Ok, I'm soooo not a dedicated blogger. Obviously... I just happen to be one of  the world's biggest procrastinators. I really do intend to try to blog once a week but a week seems to always turn into a month. It's a hopeless cause really...
So, what have I been doing with my life since the last time I was on here? Quite a bit, actually. (That may be only surprising to me, but I feel it's surprising nonetheless). Not that life isn't normally busy around here, but BUSY has taken on a whole new meaning lately. Let's see, soon after the last time I was on here I took a trip up to see my family. It was a really sweet time with my sister and nieces, as well as the rest of my family, although a painfully long time away from Cisco and the boys. Side note: Cisco gets the husband of the year award for being so awesome and letting me go away for nearly an entire week! The weather up there was randomly cold but that's how I like it. :) There's nothing that screams HOME to me like cool and rainy weather. It makes me downright giddy sometimes.
 Beautiful NorCal landscape
 The sky looked unbelievable

Girls shopping day!! My nieces, Courtney and Carly and their Applebee's Lemonade Slushies.

I got home on Wednesday and late Saturday night Cisco's brother Gabo flew in from Costa Rica for a short visit. He's currently a missionary over there and has been away since December. You should check out his blog  Gabo's Ventures of Faith.
We didn't tell the boys he was coming so they were over the moon when they woke up Sunday morning and found him on our couch! So fun! We really had a great time seeing him and loved hearing all the Lord is doing in his life. Unfortunately, I'm sorta lame when it comes to taking pictures sometimes and only remembered to take one literally minutes before we headed out to the airport. Boo.

Gabo left last week and I spent some time with Kimi wedding planning. Sunday was Father's Day, so we took the kids on Saturday out to Point Loma to check out the tide pools. We had such a great time and it was a GORGEOUS day, the only downside was we got there kinda late and the tide was pretty high. So most of the tide pools were underwater but we still managed to find a bunch of crabs and see the sea urchins and lots of barnacles. Now we know to go a little earlier next time! The boys loved it and luckily I remembered I had a camera this time! 

 Oh! And I nearly forgot...Elias had his 2nd birthday the day after I got home from Paradise. We decided to forgo the birthday party this year and we went to dinner at Wahoos (his favorite rice in the world) and came home and had cupcakes. He loves the Disney version of Robin Hood and his favorite part is when they sing Happy Birthday. I don't think he really gets the birthday thing yet, but he was thrilled to get his own cupcake, hear us sing to him and "bow" out the candle. Kids are so easy to please! :) 
"Happy Birthday to you...!"

1 comment:

Johnna Brunenkant said...

I so feel ya on the blogging situation! I loved reading/seeing about your adventures, though, my friend. I find myself telling people often that "Life is wonderfully full these days!" Every day is an investment, but somehow it seems like they just roll one into the next and then all of a sudden it hits you how much time has passed, and you wonder if you got anything of any significance done. I'm so happy that God keeps better track of those victories than I do! :D
Your boys are just the sweetest looking little guys! I hope I get to meet them some day! I guess I did meet your oldest when he was just a little squirt. Time flies!
<3 ya!

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