June 21, 2011

Goin For a New Look

I know, this is out of control that I'm posting not once but TWICE in a day!! That's what happens when I go for a month without posting, too much to post all at once!
I joined Pinterest on Saturday, sort of randomly, for I had very little idea what it was all about. I then spent the next 2 and a half hours glued to my computer and ready to jump out of skin in excitement, feeling as if my head was going to explode with all the ideas my poor brain was trying to digest. I've had a year+ long urge to repaint my house and an even longer one to decorate every room in stuff I love. I have a really hard time with decorating for a few reasons - 1. It completely overwhelms me. 2. I don't trust my own judgement (I'm getting better on this one) 3. I'm clueless on how to decorate on a budget (getting better on this one too) and 4. It completely overwhelms me. (I put that one twice on purpose. Just in case you were wondering...) I love nicely decorated homes, I love being organized, but when it comes to my own house I tend to hit a wall. I felt like that wall finally moved or was (hopefully) knocked down on Saturday! Because along with decorating, I seem to have the same problem with arts and crafts. LOVE seeing crafty things, love the idea of the whole DIY thing, and I marvel at and am amazed by people who are good at it. Because I SOOO am not! Again, it completely overwhelms me....I can do fine if I have someone or something that directs my every step. But to come up with the idea myself? Pfffff!
In stepped Pinterest. If you haven't joined yet or are still wondering if you should - You must! But I have to warn you: It's extremely addicting and it will take discipline to limit yourself once you figure out how to use it. There's just too much on there and the inspiration factor is off the charts. I soon had Cisco glued next to me on the couch and the rooms and the endless decor possibilities for them had both of us pretty much giddy. Step by step instructions for very inexpensive, yet exactly what we've been wanting, DIY projects. YES!

When we made the decision to homeschool a few months ago, I knew one of the things that would help me in keeping a level head and enjoy the whole experience all the more, would be to get myself and our house in some sense of order and organization. Nothing too crazy, but I know myself well enough that if my house and life is in utter chaos, my head is too. It's a little tricky trying to organize 3 BOYS and ourselves in a 2 bedroom condo, but I know there are many who have much less space than we do and I refuse to complain. There is much to be thankful for and I know I'm a blessed woman. I just needed a little boost in the creativity department and I've been praying for months for just that! So what happened next??? 
About a week or so ago we got new carpeting in our downstairs living room area, which it desperately needed. This morning, the concrete guy arrived to re-brick our patio, which we've been waiting for since we moved in here 5 years ago. And I now have the complete vision for every room in my house, on how to organize and get it looking not only "together" but fabulous! And the best part: On a completely do-able and low budget! I'll of course be documenting the whole transformation (which will take a few months) and posting "Before and After" pictures and links to the how-to's, so you too can be inspired or read along for the fun of it. But if you want some serious inspiration, you should really go log onto Pinterest... Just sayin. :)

1 comment:

Johnna Brunenkant said...

So going to check that out! I love creative inspiration. Sometimes I just wander aimlessly around on Etsy looking at people's brilliance that they are making buku bucks off of! lol
I can't wait to see the pics!!!!

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