August 12, 2011

Where To Begin...

Well, it's been another month+ since the last time I posted, but this time it wasn't my fault! :) Our computer has been on it's last leg for some time now and decided this past month that it didn't like me writing blog posts or emails. Sooo, we upgraded this week and problem solved! However, now I'm stuck with where to start, since this past month has been quite...well, life-changing...
First off, if you notice to the left of the page there is a new gadget I've added. A couple of weeks ago, we got the surprise of our lives....we are pregnant with baby #4! We weren't really planning on having any more, but more than that, we were definitely not planning on having another baby any time soon! After a day of crying tears of horror joy, we accepted the fact that God's ways are definitely not our ways and are busily re-adjusting our lives. I was in the middle of training for a half marathon I was to run in the middle of September, in Big Sur, but upon Doctor's advice to lay off the running and NOT to run the half, we're now looking forward to a relaxing vacay with family and friends. I will be in charge of food of course, and making sure my fellow runners are well fueled, while I cheer them on from the side-lines.
Another perplexing "hiccup", was our recent decision to on earth was I going to be able to do that while my head is hugging the toilet in the throes of my first trimester?! Well, the first couple weeks went by with hardly an hour total of nausea or any other symptom for that matter, but then came week 6...this week. The bad news: Nausea hit full force. The good news: It's mainly an evening ordeal and my mornings remain pretty mild and nausea-free. So I'm praying that remains the case, as next Thursday is the day we officially start school! Aaaaaaahhh! Nervous? Yes. Excited? Very. Ready? Getting there...
Which brings me to my last post and my fervor for re-decorating our house and re-finishing some side tables I promised to post pictures of and never did... whoopsie... Well, the tables have long been re-finished, but seeing as I have yet to transfer all my pictures over to our new computer, a separate post is what you'll have to look forward to on those! :) My re-decorating has also become a much bigger job than I originally thought as we now have to make more room in our ever shrinking 2 bedroom condo for the afore-mentioned new family member. It'll be amazing when it's all done, and it makes me giddy just thinking about it! Our next re-finishing project is going to be our kitchen table, which will hopefully be started somewhat soon...but for now I think I'll take a nap...

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