September 26, 2012

Mopping is Fun Again!

I think Pinterest is partly to blame for the sudden rise in attention to all things "natural". At least it is for me. If you haven't joined yet, you should! There are SO many recipes and ideas on there and such good ones,  it makes you wonder where it's been all your life! And when every pin practically promises to revolutionize your life, you feel almost obligated to try it. So, flashback to last week when I decided to mop my floors. Which has become a chore of rare occurrence since the birth of our little, working on changing that... Anyways, I went to go mop and realized I was out of my usual floor cleaner. I then remembered I had pinned an all natural one that (surprise!) said I would never want to clean my floors with anything else, never, ever again! So I decided to try it and guess what? It actually was pretty amazing!! I hesitate to give something my ultimate stamp of approval upon the first try, so I won't go as far as to say I will never use anything else, never, ever again. BUT, I gave it another try today and yes, I still love it. And the fact my house smells fresh and clean, but at the same time nothing like a chemical factory, makes me want to mop my floors every single day! So enough of my babbling, here's the recipe:

Heavy duty floor cleaner recipe: ¼ cup white vinegar, 1 tablespoon liquid dish soap, ¼ cup Arm & Hammer Super washing soda, 2 gallons tap water
That's it! 

Side Note: It says not to use on wax floors because it will make them "waxy"...???... But other than that it seems pretty safe on most surfaces. It gets SUPER sudsy in the bucket (and stays that way) & left my tile floors feeling almost soft. Before my reformed ways, I would use Lysol Disinfectant cleaner (the yellow one) and it left the tile feeling sticky. I'd so much rather have soft than sticky...
Now go mop your floors and prepare to be amazed!

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