February 27, 2011

The Thoughts I'm Kickin Around..

I've realized why it's so difficult sometimes for me to blog. I'll think of 20 different things to write about, at times I'm unable to sit down and actually write it out. But the second I find the time to do it, I can't think of one thing or, if I can, I can't think of how to start. And so I sit here, staring at the screen, wondering why on earth I thought this was a good idea. Grr. On the other hand, once I start writing even if it's about nothing, I realize how much I enjoy it. I suppose that's the way I am in conversation as well, so that only makes sense. Many times I don't know how to start talking about something but if I just start, then the rest comes to me. So I guess you should just prepare yourselves to read through a scattered first paragraph in all my posts!
So I have a few ideas and directions I'll be taking this blog to. Not all of which I'm prepared to share about just yet. But one thing I am going to do is a weekly segment about food, particularly something I've made that week. I would not say I'm some crazy good cook, but I do love cooking and more so, I love finding an incredibly good and easy recipe. "My friends say" I have a knack for it. (Jas, that quote is for you! haha)
So I figure I'll post a lot of my tried and true favorites, as well as some newly found winners! And if any of you attempt to try them at home, please let me know how it turns out and if you add a "personal" touch/spin on them!
Last year I ran my first half marathon with Team in Training, which was an incredible experience. I'm excited to say that I'll be running the Disney half marathon again this year, only this time without the fundraising (i.e. not with Team in Training)! I'd encourage anyone who even has the slightest desire to do it, you should! I can't say enough how amazing it is. Unfortunately, after I completed the marathon last year I did exactly what I said I wouldn't do: Stopped running. However that short, (ok long) break from running is over and one thing I know that motivates me in running, is having to blog about it.
So, those are two things I can guarantee you will hear about every week. :) As for the rest...well, you'll just have to stay tuned...

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