February 28, 2011


I'm very curious as to what others think about this, so please comment if you have anything to share or add. I realized something the other day (about myself) and after talking to a close friend who has the same "issue", I believe it's actually a pretty common fear among Christians. I've thought for some time now, that I have a fear of failure. There's a few areas in my life that I've tried again and again to make consistent or overcome in my life and have had rather disappointing results. Bottom line: I give up. Soooo, I've just always thought I must not be able to do this because I don't want to fail. Um, yeeeeeah. Don't know why it hasn't hit me sooner than now, but I realized my fear isn't so much failure (been there, done that, definitely not afraid of it!) but of SUCCESS! It was seriously an "aha!" moment for me. Once I start really succeeding at something there's like this switch that goes off in my brain where I suddenly think "I can't do this" (even though I've been doing it just fine) and I quit. I feel that to be good or successful in something will draw attention to me or make me prideful or something. I just don't get it and how to overcome this. Any thoughts??


House of Lovelock said...

I do the same thing, but I'm afraid of everything, and I really mean EVERYTHING, so I've just had to let go more and more....but it doesn't get any easier.

P.S. I have a book for you that you should read before next year...it's inspiring and overwhelming all at the same time. Haha, perfect for fearful people like us.

Ashley Juliot said...

I can relate to the fear of success. I think it can be a good fear at times because like you said, "I feel that to be good or successful in something will draw attention to me or make me prideful or something." I think success can do that- especially for Christians because at a "high" moment in our life we can feel like we don't need Christ or we forget our need.

Most of the times we pray in earnest and are very humbled is when we are weak and lacking and are in desperate need of God. So yes I can understand as a Christian being afraid of something that might bring your flesh out and steal you away from your Lord, but at the same time our success can be Christ triumphing in our life and all glory would go to Him. So in your time of success instead of feeling like you did it or your flesh is creeping in trying to dissuade you, think that Christ in you and that He is doing this good work in you and blessing you and your family. Sure pray that in those times pride would not creep up, and also pray that in those times God would get all the glory.

I read something recently by a Christian woman Lilias Trotter... sure in shallow waters you can't sink, but you can't swim either- that was an encouragement to look at your fears and go into the deep with all trust for Christ to sustain you.

Unknown said...

Ashley -
Yes, I DEFINITELY want to check out your book! Fear is such a crazy thing..I've never considered myself "fearful" per say, but I'm realizing more and more how much I am. Ugh.

Ashley - :)
Thank you so much, I totally agree with and was encouraged by what you said. The Lord keeps opening my eyes to this matter and I want to post about it later today...once I've gathered my thoughts together a little. God is so good! :)

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