May 16, 2011

Where have I been??

I just realized the other day that it's nearly been a complete month since the last time I was on here! My, how time flies! I could've sworn it had only been a week...I'd love to say it's because I've been so incredibly busy and I have all these fabulous stories to write about, but truth be told, I just kind of forgot. Haha! I do have a few posts in the works that I'll get around to finishing up soon, and I promise to try and be better about posting on a more regular basis. I would also like to add, thank you to those of you who have left comments on here, I really do love hearing from those of you who take the time to read this! While I don't want to pretend my life is so awesome that everyone should want to read about my day to day, I do love feeling connected to people I haven't seen or talked to in years, even with my own family I don't get to see very often. And I do really love hearing feedback from all of you! I'll be back tomorrow with a post about my sweet weekend and later on this week with a few other things I've had on my mind lately. Until then, enjoy this pic I took the other morning of my precious boys sleeping. I don't know why, but I really love taking sleeping pictures of my kids...probably because I love watching them sleep and I know that is going to be one of those things I will miss when they get older. They are just so darn sweet...


Sarah said...

they also are quiet and not moving when they are asleep, much easier to photograph!

Unknown said...

Haha, yes that is very true! The quietness definitely has something to do with why I so love watching them sleep!

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