March 7, 2011

Random Pictures

I was just about to blog about these photos last week, when I got an awful phone call from my sister. We pretty dropped everything and went up north to be with my family, and when we got back I was sick with the worst flu I've had since I can remember. So, needless to say, my blog got left unattended and the two random pictures got left here without explanation. I posted them in celebration of Cisco and my 11 year mark of being together as a couple. On March 7, 2000 we had "the talk", and exactly one year later on the same date, he proposed to me. I said yes. And here we are, 11 years later, and probably the only couple in the world who celebrates our "anniversary" of when we started dating. This November we will be celebrating our 10th anniversary of being married, and wouldn't you know, it falls on Thanksgiving day. Boo. So you see, perhaps it's not so silly of us to celebrate our dating anniversary, since we just about NEVER get to celebrate our actual wedding anniversary at the proper time. So my advice to those of you reading this, who haven't gotten married yet, DO NOT even think about getting married around a holiday. Because you will never be able to celebrate your anniversary on your anniversary. :)

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