March 31, 2011


So today I came across the best website ever and the Graphic Fairy is now on my ever-growing list of heroes! I came across her website while reading through a bunch of blogs this morning...I think the original reason I was doing this was for creative ideas for decorating eggs...which turned into how-to's for cooking German food...which turned into redoing my blog.. If you have a blog, you've GOT to check it out, she has all kinds of adorable, vintage-looking graphics. Here's an example, a super cute picture of these birds that I'm in love with. How cute is this?!

I'm not naturally a graphically gifted kind of person, so if you're like me you'll love what she has. I'm helpless when it comes to "creating" a website, but if I have step by step directions and graphics already done for me, I'm good to go! :)
After reading/looking through a good handful of blogs I came to a few conclusions:
1. There's a lot of people with a lot of good ideas who happen to have really cute blogs.
2. My blog is so unorganized.
3. It seems there is a sudden trend of putting all your things in storage and moving your entire family to go live in Paris for a year. Seriously. Three, count 'em 3 different blogs all apparently got the memo and I'm just wondering what on earth is the deal? Is there something I'm missing? If any of you know this super secret, please, fill me in! Not that I don't think moving to Paris isn't a fabulous idea, I just don't get why everybody's doing it....
4. I"m moving to Paris. Just kidding!
 Hope you enjoy the remodel! I'll admit I'm a little in love with it. I know it feels like I just re-did my blog, but I just never fully felt it was "home". I definitely feel this is more me. I'll leave you with one last picture from the Graphic Fairy. Have I mentioned how great she is?

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