March 24, 2011

Snakes and Marathons

So, this week has been a whirlwind of activity, I'm pretty sure every day was packed full! But I do enjoy weeks like that, so no complaints here. Yesterday held a meeting with some of the Bible College women, planning events for this semester for the students. Always a good time and I love planning events for them! Home group resumed last night as well, another thing I absolutely love about my weeks! I know Thursdays were going to be my "cooking blog" but I made a recipe I can't take credit for, since it was from someone else's blog! I think however, you all should take a look at her blog and all the AMAZING things she has on there! Her name is Hourik Kazarian and she's the lady who taught the Cooking workshop I went to. My new hero. :) Anyway, her blog is and I made her "Nobel prize winning" cookies, which were pretty much awesome. I'd post a picture of them, but the app I used to take the picture won't post on here. Boo.
In other news and weather, I signed up for another half marathon, I'm so excited!! We were planning on doing the Disney half again, but literally the week we were going to sign up for it, it filled up! So bummed. Apparently it became extremely popular in a years time. Anyway, so we were kickin around a few other races and then we found the perfect one last night...The Big Sur Trail race! It's September 17th and runs along the coast on the "Old Coast Road". It looks like it has a couple pretty gnarly hills along the course, but the scenery will doubtless be nothing less than breathtaking and I am so excited to run along the coastline, ESPECIALLY in that area! So, now that I'm committed it's time to get to running! It's been awhile....WAY TOO LONG....
Well, I'm off to finish Josiah's snake costume for his school play next week! I have to admit, I really do love the school plays and performances, they are so stinkin cute and hilarious. Cisco's sewing some horribly shiny fabric onto his outfit and I need to go add some eyeballs and a tongue...teamwork! :) Pray it comes out half decent, I'm a little scared...

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